Hailey Bieber has responded to the latest wave of divorce rumors surrounding her marriage to pop superstar Justin Bieber by posting a cryptic message on social media. Amid growing speculation about the couple’s relationship, Hailey took to Instagram Stories on December 30th to share a video from TikTok content creator “I Got Time,” who addressed online negativity. The video featured the creator saying, “You’re not well and it’s okay,” which Hailey captioned with, “Me to all of you on the internet.”
This post appears to be a direct response to ongoing rumors about trouble in the Biebers’ marriage. Recently, speculation has been fueled by videos circulating on social media, such as one shared by TikTok user Sloan Hooks. Hooks suggested that the couple might be facing issues based on their recent Instagram posts. He highlighted Justin’s story featuring Jackie’s song “Bed,” which talks about desiring physical connection over emotional love. Just minutes later, Hailey shared a post with lyrics from SZA’s song “Kill Bill,” which includes the line, “But if it’s me, then you,” sparking further speculation of tension between the couple.
Despite the rumors, Hailey has long been vocal about the challenges of dealing with online chatter about her marriage. In a July interview with W Magazine, she spoke candidly about the hurtful nature of such speculation. She said, “People have made me feel so bad about my relationship since day one. They say we’re falling apart, they hate each other, they’re getting divorced. It’s like people don’t want to believe that we’re happy.” She further admitted that while the rumors hurt, they don’t get easier to deal with over time.
However, Hailey has also shown her love for Justin in public interviews. In a 2023 conversation with Vogue Australia, she shared how much she treasures their relationship, stating, “My favorite thing about being married is honestly the companionship I feel we have. Genuinely, you are my best friend in the entire world. There’s nobody I would rather spend more time with.”
Through her recent cryptic post and past statements, Hailey seems determined to shut down rumors and assert that, despite the online noise, her marriage to Justin remains strong. While speculation may continue, it is clear that Hailey is focused on the love and connection she shares with her husband.