In a recent episode of The Tonight Show, Justin Hartley shared an entertaining and relatable tale about his beloved dog, Paisley, who underwent an unforgettable grooming experience during the pandemic. The actor, known for his role in the hit series This Is Us and now Tracker, opened up about how the lockdown pushed him to take on the challenging role of a dog groomer.
With professional groomers closed due to COVID-19 restrictions, Justin felt a surge of confidence, thinking, “How hard could it be? It’s just a haircut.” Armed with a grooming kit he purchased online, he set out to give Paisley a much-needed trim. However, his enthusiasm quickly turned to comedic chaos as he struggled to get the cut right.
As he revealed before-and-after photos to the audience, laughter erupted in the studio. In one image, Paisley appeared almost unrecognizable, sporting a hilariously uneven and overly short haircut. “She definitely had shame,” Justin quipped, explaining that Paisley now gives him suspicious looks whenever he approaches her with anything sharp.
Reflecting on the experience, Justin said it was a mix of frustration and bonding. He and Sofia had been quarantining together with Paisley, and while the grooming attempts didn’t go as planned, they created lasting memories during that challenging time.
Justin’s ability to laugh at the situation and share the story with his audience not only showcased his humor but also highlighted the unique challenges pet owners faced during the pandemic. As he continues to excel in his career, it’s clear that his adventures with Paisley have provided just as much entertainment as his on-screen roles!