Millie Bobby Brown, best known for her portrayal of Eleven on Stranger Things, has had enough of the negative comments regarding her appearance. The 20-year-old actress took to Instagram on January 1st to respond to critics who had criticized her recent selfies, posted on December 29. In a bold message shared with her followers, Millie firmly addressed the hate by writing, “Women grow, not sorry about it,” making it clear that she’s unapologetic for her growth and evolution.
The backlash came after Millie posted a mirror selfie, which some social media users deemed inappropriate for her age. Despite the harsh remarks, Millie’s husband, Jake Von Joi, was quick to defend her. He showered her with love by posting a series of white heart emojis in the comment section, showing his unwavering support.
Millie, who is about to celebrate her wedding in May 2024, has long been an advocate for growth and self-love. The actress also took a moment to reflect on the end of Stranger Things, which wrapped filming in December after five incredible seasons. To mark the occasion, Millie shared a heartfelt post on Instagram, featuring throwback pictures of her as Eleven. She captioned the post with, “With love, L,” paying tribute to her beloved character.
In addition, Millie shared an emotional video of her final speech to the Stranger Things cast and crew. Reflecting on the bittersweet end, she said, “Isn’t graduation supposed to bring relief? Like, you’re glad to leave behind the teachers and classmates? Not me. I am nowhere near ready to leave you guys. I love each and every one of you, and I’ll forever carry the memories and bonds we’ve created together as a family. I love you, thank you.”
Millie Bobby Brown continues to grow, evolve, and stand confidently in her own skin, shutting down any negativity with her empowering message.