Natalie Portman, the renowned star known for her impressive roles, recently shared her thoughts on life after her divorce from Benjamin Millepied. In a recent interview on “The Tonight Show” with Jimmy Fallon, she opened up about the changes in her life and her feelings following this event.
The End of a Marriage
Natalie and Benjamin’s marriage, which lasted over a decade, officially ended in March. The couple shares two children, Olive and Amalia, and their split drew significant public attention. The revelation of Benjamin’s alleged affair a year prior to the divorce raised many questions and emotional turmoil for Natalie. However, during the interview, she chose to remain calm and refrained from adding fuel to the rumors, stating, “It’s terrible, and I have no desire to contribute to it.”
A Memorable Encounter with Rihanna
One of the highlights after her divorce was her encounter with Rihanna at Paris Fashion Week. Natalie described this meeting as a “formative moment” in her life. She expressed her joy at being told by one of the world’s biggest stars that she is a wonderful person. “I think every woman going through a divorce deserves to hear that,” she shared.
Seeking Support and Freedom
Natalie emphasized the importance of seeking support from friends and loved ones during difficult times. She realized that having good friends like Rihanna by her side can help uplift one’s spirit and awaken inner strength. This support not only aids her in overcoming challenges but also opens up new opportunities in her career.
Continuing Her Career
Despite going through a divorce, Natalie remains committed to her artistic pursuits. She is currently promoting her limited series “Lady in the Lake,” showcasing that she continues to be active and evolve. She noted that engaging in art serves as a way to release emotions and find joy in life.
Natalie Portman’s life after divorce is a journey filled with challenges but also significant meaning. Her story inspires many other women, demonstrating that, despite facing difficulties, there is always light and hope ahead. With the support of friends and her passion for art, Natalie is finding ways to rebuild her life with strength and confidence.