Riley Hawk, the son of skateboarding legend Tony Hawk, has proudly introduced his newborn son to the world alongside his wife, Frances Bean Cobain, the daughter of late rock icon Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love. The couple recently shared a heartwarming glimpse of their little one on Instagram, capturing the joy of their growing family.
In a series of Instagram stories, Riley showcased his baby boy dressed in a cute blue onesie featuring The Baker skateboards logo, hinting at a future steeped in skateboarding culture. This adorable snapshot is a testament to the family legacy that little Ronin Walker Cobain Hawk is already stepping into, as both his father and grandfather are renowned figures in the skateboarding and music worlds.
The announcement of their son’s arrival came just weeks ago, with Frances posting an emotional message alongside a collection of photos. “Ronin Walker Cobain Hawk, welcome to the world, most beautiful son. We love you more than anything,” she wrote, expressing their deep love and excitement for their new journey as parents.
Riley and Frances began dating in 2021, making their relationship Instagram official the following year. The couple celebrated their love with a wedding in October 2022, held in Southern California and officiated by Michael Stipe, the frontman of R.E.M. and Frances’s godfather. Their intimate ceremony marked a beautiful new beginning for the couple.
As Frances embraces motherhood, she also reflects on the legacy of her father, who passed away when she was just 19 months old. Recently, she commemorated the 30th anniversary of Kurt Cobain’s death with a heartfelt Instagram post, expressing her longing to have known him. “I wish I could have known my dad,” she shared, adding that her experiences have imparted deep lessons about life’s fragility and the importance of love.
With the support of their families and the love they share, Riley and Frances are set to create a nurturing environment for little Ronin. As they navigate parenthood, their story reflects a blend of legacy, love, and the promise of new beginnings.