In a revealing episode of Vanity Fair’s lie detector series aired on September 30th, Ariana Grande candidly discussed her cosmetic procedures, addressing the swirling rumors about her appearance. Joined by her Wicked co-star Cynthia Erivo, Ariana faced a series of rapid-fire questions that uncovered her surgical history.
When asked if she had undergone any procedures to alter her looks, Ariana responded with surprising openness. She firmly denied having had a nose job, breast augmentation, or a facelift, jokingly remarking, “Can you imagine? Not yet, but I’m open!” Her responses were backed by the lie detector, which confirmed her honesty on these claims.
Ariana did admit to having used fillers in the past, clarifying that she stopped about four years ago. However, when Cynthia pressed her about a Brazilian butt lift (BBL), Ariana quickly quipped, “No, that wouldn’t work for me,” reinforcing her comfort with her natural body.
The singer expressed her relief in clarifying misconceptions about her appearance, emphasizing that while she supports anyone who chooses to enhance their looks, she’s content with her own choices. “Whatever makes people feel beautiful should be allowed. Why do we care?” she stated, highlighting her advocacy for body positivity and self-acceptance.
Ariana’s candid remarks not only shine a light on her personal journey but also encourage discussions around beauty standards and the pressures of fame. Her commitment to authenticity continues to resonate with fans, making her a role model in the ongoing conversation about self-image and empowerment.